MorphZone (Webseite)
MorphOS: FLAC-Player for AmiNetRadio (Update)
Under the title link Jacek 'jacaDcaps' Piszczek has published a FLAC-player for AmiNetRadio. The Plug-in is available in two versions (with and without Altivec-support) and supports 16-Bit-Stereo files as well as meta data.
Because the FLAC-player uses the 64-Bit-DOS-API introduced with MorphOS 2.0 as well as the conversion from UCS4 to ANSI introduced with version 2.1 the latest version of MorphOS is required.
Update: (18:48, 20.12.08, snx)
Meanwhile version 4.1b2 has been released which contains some bugfixes and optimisations, especially for computers without Altivec support. (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 20. Dec. 2008, 10:06] [Comments: 0]
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