Amiga Future (Webseite)
OnyxSoft: Updates of AmigaAMP-Prefs, BackUp, MPlayer-GUI, MultiRen, ZoomIT
OnyxSoft has upadted five programs: The MUI-based renaming tool MultiRen, the graphical user-interface MPlayer-GUI, the file backup program BackUp, the preferences editor AmigaAMP-Prefs and the magnifying glass ZoomIT.
AmigaAMP-Prefs 1.25 - (68k)
- Updated Italian and French catalog courtecy of S. Hawamdeh and Philippe
Ferrucci respectively
- Added some stack for OS4
- Some minor fixes
BackUp 1.60 - (68k)
- BackUp finally handles links correctly in all possible ways I could think of
- Reimplemented the option to create emtpy skip directories
- More thorough cleaning
- And there is more
MPlayer-GUI 1.43 - (OS4)
- Named the MPlayer process "MPlayer main process" instead of "[New Process]"
- Added a few new video modes and removed some old
- Also updated audio modes
- Fixed the scroller in the Control Panel somewhat
MultiRen 1.65 - (68k)
- Has plugin-support for MP3- and picture-renaming and more
- Added the ability to see the total file size of all files; very useful when collecting many files from different directories to transfer to a limited storage such as a CD-R or MP3/USB stick to see that they fit
- Fixed the custom textfile export a bit
- Corrected and rewrote a couple of help bubbles, etc.
ZoomIT 0.3 (68k, x86-AROS, PPC-MorphOS, PPC-AmigaOS)
- AmigaOS4 native version (Thanks to Daniel Westerberg)
- Wheel mouse support when window is active (on AmigaOS, MorphOS-version allready had this option)
- ARexx-support
- New settings options like start the program iconified and quit-button = iconify
- Option to select which color components to be included in the resulting output
- Option for grey scale output
- Option for inverted graphics
- Smaller optimizations
(snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 24. Jul. 2008, 20:42] [Comments: 0]
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