MorphOS: MPlayer 1.0 (SVN) with Altivec support
Fabien Coeurjoly has published a new version of his MorphOS port of the media player MPlayer. The port is based on the sources of the current beta version from 30th June. For the first time there is an Altivec support which requires MorphOS 2.0 and which supports the Altivec-units of a G4-processor.
Direkter Download:
MPlayer-1.0-svn-2008.06.30.lha (8,1 MB)
MPlayer-1.0-svn-2008.06.30.altivec.lha (8,4 MB)
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 07. Jul. 2008, 17:02] [Comments: 0]
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