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06.Jul.2008 (website)

PCMCIA drivers: prism2.device and etherlink3.device
Beta versions of prism2.device and etherlink3.device (a replacement for 3c589.device) that support PCMCIA cards under AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS have been released by Neil Cafferkey. The author thanks Chris McGonagle for testing several versions of the AmigaOS 4 drivers on a PPC-equipped A1200 as he does not own such hardware himself.

Be sure to install the provided 68k pccard.library in LIBS:. Further information about installation, compatible cards and contact details can be found in the older prism2 and 3c589 archives on Aminet.

Download: pcmcia_drivers.lha (86 KB) (snx)

[News message: 06. Jul. 2008, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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