PowerPoint-viewer: PointRider 0.50
PointRider is a SDL-based PowerPoint-viewer for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. Changes in ersion 0.50:
- Bilinear interpolation to scale images
- Right fonts are used if available on the system
- Font rendering using paragraph attributes (alignment, color, size,
- Display of inherited objects from the master slide
- Improved background
support: several shade types
- Splitted the main file to have a independant
graphic engine (only SDL at the moment)
- AmiUpdate support (OS4 only)
- MeltingPoint: Added text support, background, inherited objects, ... and all improvements from the PointRider engine !
- Internal statistic module: number of slides, images, images resized per bpp, total time
- Many memory leaks fixed
- More internal debugging features and a Ruby script to run a whole group of files in debug mode
- graphical launcher in MUI
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 13. Feb. 2008, 02:47] [Comments: 0]
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