Bernd Roesch (ANF)
AROS for AmigaOS: AfA 4.1
Version 4.1 of "AROS for AmigaOS" (AfA) which is a port of single AROS components includes the following news:
- AFA documentation and FAQ in AmigaGuide format in English and German (thanks to Thomas and Alexander)
- Faster redraw for windows sizes < 150 pixel
- Picture.datatype more compatible (CyberShow, Photoalbum, YAM 2.6dev, Portrait view and dtalphatest work), RGBA-modus implemented
- Text in menu is centered correctly after a rebbot if the screen title was enlarged
- Intuition.library version set back to 40; thus YAM and IBrowse menus have the right positions
- Recognition of AfA-intutionlib with the help of the intuitionlib revision number which is at AfA >= 87
Download: AfA_OS_V4.1.lha (1,4 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 03. Feb. 2008, 18:26] [Comments: 0]
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