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10.Jan.2008 Uploads bis 09.01.2008
These are the latest uploads to which have been added since our last message:
jukebox.lha           aud/mis  124kb  Old jukebox style GUI for external mus/v
dg_midi_player.lha    aud/pla   66kb  Simple MIDI player
tuneadplug_plug.lha   aud/pla  620kb  AdPlug based plugin for TuneNet
tunebs_plug.lha       aud/pla  143kb  Soundmon plugin for TuneNet
tunecube_plug.lha     aud/pla  349kb  GameCube plugin for TuneNet
tunepsf2_plug.lha     aud/pla  445kb  PSF2/SPU (PlayStation) TuneNet plugin
tuneqsf_plug.lha      aud/pla  335kb  Capcom QSound (QSF) plugin for TuneNet
tunesc68_plug.lha     aud/pla  632kb  SC68 plugin for TuneNet
tunessf_plug.lha      aud/pla  482kb  Sega Saturn (SSF) plugin for TuneNet
xmp.lha               aud/pla  830kb  Plays over 80 module formats! (Including
font_dt.lha           dat/mis   45kb  DataType for Amiga fonts
atlantisgl.lha        dem/mis   87kb  Sharks, whales & dolphin demo (GL/3D)
africa.lha            dem/sce    4Mb  Dr. Fungi goes Africa by Fit
dr_fungi.lha          dem/sce    1Mb  Dr. Fungi by Fit
micery.lha            dem/sce  202kb  Micery by Fit & Bandwagon
yellowrose.lha        dem/sce  134kb  Yellow Rose of Texas by Fit & Bandwagon
emperor.lha           dev/gui    1Mb  Object Oriented Programming Environment
amigatalksrc.lha      dev/lan    1Mb  AmigaTalk Source Code (Smalltalk GUI)
svgalib.lha           dev/lib    2Mb  Low-level graphics library
make-bin.lha          dev/uti  386kb  GNU make including parallel compile
fs1541.lha            dri/fil   47kb  FileSystem for CBM 1541 disks
tap2mbhdd.lha         emu/uti   20kb  Spectrum TAP to MB HDD Converter
pfp-blob.lha          gam/act    7Mb  'Bloboats' an SDL/GL action game similia
pfp-tyrn.lha          gam/act    6Mb  Open-source reimplementation of DOS game
xhyperoid.lha         gam/act  211kb  Asteroids clone
amichess.lha          gam/boa    2Mb  Chess based on GNUChess 5.05/06
pfp-lprs.lha          gam/boa  533kb  LPairs - A memory game
pfp-trws.lha          gam/puz  739kb  'Tower Wars' a tower defense SDL/GL puzz
wesnoth-devel.lha     gam/str  104Mb  Battle for Wesnoth (development version)
bfmapviewer.lha       gam/uti  450kb  BattleForce map viewer
amidisk_aiss.lha      gra/ais  265kb  AISS Button Images for AmiDisk 2.0
micollection2007.lha  gra/ico   18Mb  All Masonicon Sets of 2007
cgxbenchmark.lha      gra/mis   26kb  Simple CyberGrphX/Picasso96 benchmark
picturewidget.lha     gra/mis    1Mb  A "Widget" for Displaying Pictures
pm_wallpaper_01.lha   gra/mis  389kb  Christmas and new year backdrop
yammi.lha             gra/the  425kb  32-bit Images and Icons for YAM
owb.lha               net/bro   11Mb  OWB - The first (un)complete modern Web 
owb_gui.lha           net/bro   68kb  A simple GUI for OWB
owbpatchurl.lha       net/bro   25kb  URL toolbar patch for OWB
epistula_german.lha   net/cha    9kb  German catalog file for Epistula
wookiechat.lha        net/cha    1Mb  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
pftp.lha              net/ftp  113kb  Advanced FTP client (alpha preview versi
amrss.lha             net/mis  847kb  AmRSS for AmigaOS4
openurl.lha           net/mis  167kb  OpenURL - Get that URL!
ignition_68k.lha      off/spr  542kb  Spreadsheet program
unrar-bin.lha         uti/arc  171kb  Unpacks RAR files
unrar-src.lha         uti/arc  154kb  Unpacks RAR files, source archive
lmbench.lha           uti/ben    1Mb  Mostly complete port of the lmbench test
macdock.lha           uti/doc  505kb  MacOSX Toolbar Clone
findmore.lha          uti/fil   79kb  File searching tool
timetraveler.lha      uti/fil   78kb  Trashcan + recycled browser
xdelta3.lha           uti/fil   82kb  binary diff, differential compression to
clipselect.lha        uti/mis    1Mb  A Clipboard Manager with Graphical Previ
deslike.lha           uti/mis   23kb  DES-like encryption
microwindows.lha      uti/mis    8Mb  modern gfx windowing environments for sm
questionnr1.lha       uti/mis   80kb  This is a joke program for fun
ranger.lha            uti/mis  248kb  System diagnostic tool
yetanotherdesk.lha    uti/mis  312kb  Desktop for public screens
processtorrent.lha    uti/scr   20kb  Use CTorrent and get rid of most of it's
allocmem.lha          uti/she   18kb  A Shell command to reduce memory availab
whothehekissys.lha    uti/she   24kb  Boot volume finder
aminetreadme.lha      uti/tex   62kb  Aminet .readme creator
animapoint.lha        uti/wor   92kb  Animate your mouse pointer.
appmanager-fr.lha     uti/wor    3kb  AppManager v51.2 french catalog
appmanager.lha        uti/wor  406kb  Application.library exchange clone
assignview.lha        uti/wor   41kb  A simple tool to list all the 'Assign's 
cmeditor.lha          uti/wor   52kb  Context menus editor
fuelgauge.lha         uti/wor  101kb  Volume gauges underneath hard drive icon
multiclock.lha        uti/wor   65kb  Clock, with timer
pingboing.lha         uti/wor   15kb  Make your mouse pointer bounce
screenmonitor.lha     uti/wor   78kb  Public screen monitoring utility
screenthumbs.lha      uti/wor   62kb  BETA - Screen thumb nails
switcher3d.lha        uti/wor  100kb  Window and screen switcher
wbpreview.lha         uti/wor   63kb  Preview feature for Workbench
nettv_gfx.lha         vid/mis   36kb  View WebTV (mms:)
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2008, 02:59] [Comments: 0]
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