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Project Moana: Statement of the developer
In December a CD image was available which was supposed to make it possible using AmigaOS 4 on certain PowerPC models of the Mac mini supplied by Apple. At the author of this CD, the AmigaOS 4 developer Andrea Vallinotto has warned to use or copy this CD which is based on Moana .

"Regarding the thread about the project Moana files, I'd like to point out some facts that I would like to acknowledge as an moderator. First of all, I'm the author of said port, done over an year ago on behalf of ACube, you can contact me directly at email removed . In the thread I'm referring to, you (and others) are discussing the content of the CD, some even had it running on MacMinis. Such ISO image not only contains parts of OS4 (a commercial product) but also contain modules that are NOT part of either OS4 for A1 nor Classic, and are fully copyrighted by me. I never gave permission to anyone, least this AmigaMac guy, to distribute these files. So owning and using those modules is breaching my intellectual property (IP) and is a clear act of piracy. So unless is a forum which allows and is favorable to piracy, I suggest you post a notice on said thread and stop discussing about it. You can quote this message if you want. As you probably have seen by the european lawsuit, between me, the two Friedens and against Hyperion and AInc, I'm more than willing to protect my IP from piracy or any other form of unauthorized use. For the record, that ISO image was obtained from a stolen laptop and there is a police report about that (in the USA). That AmigaMac guy is not some benefactor, he's a criminal. So far I hadn't written or posted anything because I didn't want to stir up more mess that it was already, and because the (micro) kernel on that ISO image will crash after few minutes of intensive use. But seeing one of the moderators of happily displaying a list of stolen files seems an endorsement of piracy from I can't let it pass." (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Jan. 2008, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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