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Aminet-Uploads until 26.11.2007
These are the latest Aminet uploads which have been added since our last message:
FussballBundesliga.lha   biz/misc       23K    GEN   TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)
networksnooper.lha       comm/tcp       45K    OS3   bsdsocket.library monitor&patch
ProcessTorrent.lha       comm/tcp       20K    GEN   Arexx-Script to handle .torrent files
A71Mail.lha              comm/www       69K    GEN   Email Form multilanguage written in php
getvideo.lha             comm/www       11K    GEN   get FLV files from YouTube etc.
PurpleCow.lzh            comm/www      275K    OS3   PurpleCow HTTP Daemon
W4R_HIT1.lha             demo/sound    416K    OS3   Hit Mouse 1 MUSIC DISK - beta version
glib-2.4.4-bin-m68k.lha  dev/lib       1.7M    OS3   Low-level core library
bump_os4.lha             dev/misc       10K    OS4   Fully configurable bumprev utility
AMIGA-Project3.lha       docs/hard     649K    GEN   Another simple A600 project for kids.
Few_of_my_own_Hacks.txt  docs/hard       4K    GEN   My hardware Hacks
DEEP64.lha               docs/misc       1K    GEN   IFF-DEEP 48/64 Bit extensions
eaudio.device.lha        driver/audio   36K    MOS   Enhanced audio.device for MOS w/o debug
anaiis.lha               driver/other   48K    OS3   ANAIIS USB Stack Release 0.92
atlantis_gl.lha          gfx/3d        170K    MOS   Sharks, whales & dolphin demo
ams.tgz                  misc/edu       11K    OS3   Annual Meteor Showers
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu      376K    OS3   Arcadia 2001/Interton VC 4000/TVGC emul.
fceu_mos.lha             misc/emu      515K    MOS   Nintendo NES / Famicom emulator
LoveNotWar.mp3           mods/mpg      6.5M    OS3   MP3 song
Rockers.mp3              mods/mpg      1.9M    GEN   PunkRock.mp3
tuneacm_plug.lha         mus/play       61K    OS4   Interplay ACM plugin for TuneNet
tuneau_plug.lha          mus/play       23K    OS4   Sun AU plugin for TuneNet
tunecube_plug.lha        mus/play      328K    OS4   GameCube plugin for TuneNet
tunegsf_plug.lha         mus/play      619K    OS4   GSF (Gameboy Advance) plugin for TuneNet
tunepsf_plug.lha         mus/play      187K    OS4   PSF (Playstation) plugin for TuneNet
tunera_plug.lha          mus/play      164K    OS4   RealAudio plugin for TuneNet
tunes98_plug.lha         mus/play      284K    OS4   S98 plugin for TuneNet
tunesc68_plug.lha        mus/play      621K    OS4   SC68 (Atari ST) plugin for TuneNet
tunewave_plug.lha        mus/play       34K    OS4   RIFF-WAVE plugin for TuneNet
Inside_The_A500.png      pix/misc      193K    OS3   PNG 8 bits picture
AMF-MixPNGIcons.lha      pix/picon     427K    GEN   PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch
cebograbs2.lha           pix/wb        2.7M    GEN   CebollinoWB screenshots part 2: cebopowe
arcsing.lha              util/arc       12K    OS3   Archives files individually
HowDif.lha               util/cli        9K    OS3   File comparison/examination utility
FontDTPrefs.lha          util/dtype     15K    GEN   Font DataType Class Preferences Editor
MidiDTPrefs.lha          util/dtype     13K    GEN   MIDI DataType Class Preferences Editor
wave_dt.lha              util/dtype    135K    OS4   RIFF-WAVE (.wav) sound datatype
EuroSkyCodeset.lha       util/misc       2K    GEN   InfraRexx Codeset for EuroSky Receiver
clockita.lha             util/time      75K    OS3   Italian clock with INVISIBILITY OPTION
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 27. Nov. 2007, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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