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Dimitris Panokostas (ANF)

Event: Amigahellas at DTE 2007
Dimitris Panokostas writes: Amigahellas, the Greek Amiga community, was present at the greatest Greek technological exhibition D.T.E. 2007 (Digital Technology Expo), in charge of the "computer history" stand.

With the valuable help from the organizing company, we managed to give the opportunity to both young and older visitors to meet and use computers from the past. Visitors had the chance to (re)live the experience of using computers like the Philips Videopac, Commodore PET 8032SK, Commodore Plus-4, C64-C, C128-D, Amstrad CPC 464, Amiga 500, 600 and 1200, Jupiter Ace, Acorn Electron, Timex Sinclair, Philips MSX among others.

It wasn't only about the past though: there also was an ľA1 running the latest version of AmigaOS 4, as well as the latest version of AROS Live-CD and AmiKit 1.4 running on PC laptops.

The website was set-up to host the photos and video from the event, so that those who couldn't make it there can have a glimpse of what happened. And if you feel like it, we'd be happy to receive any comments, which you can send using the Contact form.

We would like to thank the organizing company again, who helped into making this possible, all the visitors who had fun with us and all the people who gave their best to make this event an unforgettable experience indeed.

Finally, we'd like to wish... many happy returns! (snx)

[News message: 13. Nov. 2007, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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