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Ralf Steines (ANF)

Back to the Roots: Fred Fish memorial archive
Press release: Hello and welcome to the first small update of the Back to the Roots archive since our main archive down time. Now after successfully moving the project to a new server we have enough resources again to continue growing our service. To increase our update frequency (in preference to the rare monster updates we did before) we decided to offer smaller topic wise updates from now on, and group them to the huge updates you are used to from the past.

We want to send a big thank you to more than 200 people who donated to our server hardware money collection. We will in turn try to give each free byte some honourful content. Big thanks also goes to the patience of all contributors, not to pull their money back during our rest!

First of all we started a new subproject, dedicated to one of the most famous Amiga activists ever:

The Fred Fish memorial archive is our tribute to Fred where we try to document his entire life work project wise, offering his work (licensed by himself) and his cooperative projects (so far co-licensed by Danny Amor, Leslie Dietz, Eric Schwartz, Mark Stanley) for free download. The first 8 CDs are already online since a while, many further ones will follow.

As a second part of our tribute we host the homepage of Fred and his wife Michelle (and their dogs), documenting the last adventureful years of Fred's life cruising the ocean in a boat called "DiveAdx", going swimming, diving and deep sea fishing. Just pure Fish.

More to come soon.... (cg)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2007, 03:04] [Comments: 0]
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