amigafuture.de (Webseite)
Software-News: WBSudoku 1.5.0, expat.library 2.0.1
WBSudoku 1.5.0
Ralf Berg has published an update of his implementation of the figure puzzle Sudoku. Changes in version 1.5.0:
- seperate name for the program: WBSudoku
- automatic generation of masks for external graphics
- Option on window movement correction added
- commodities.lib and locale.lib are not required any longer
- Action "delete" with sound and anim added
- Command "FigureSkin" deleted and replaced by "Figures"; therefore no 5th column required.
Link: Homepage
expat.library 2.0.1
The aexpat.library ported by Alfonso Ranieri to AmigaOS and MorphOS is a XML-parser-library which was written in C.
Link: Download page
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 30. Oct. 2007, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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