Digitale Kultur e.V.
Audio-CD: GOTO80 - Made on Internet
Anders Carlsson from sweden active member of the demoscene since 1994 will be release his new audio-CD GOTO80 at the 22.October distributed by the german elektronica-label Pingipung. GOTO80 was beside Rob Hubbard and
Jeroen Tel nominated for the "Commodore Scene Livetime Achievement Award".
His music is a mix from several genres and eras and based on the cult-sounds of Gameboy, C64 and Amiga. There are
Sinatra-inspired hits beside Country, Jazz and Punk.
8Bit-Kultur at its Best; on the CD is also a data part with a karaoke-machine. (nba) (Translation: aj)
[News message: 15. Oct. 2007, 17:51] [Comments: 0]
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