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15.Oct.2007 Uploads until 14.10.2007
Uploads on since our last report:
unmo3.lha             aud/mis  236kb  Use this to add MO3 mod playback to your
diskimage_src.lha     dev/exa   17kb  Example device (stripped down diskimage.
libtiff.lha           dev/lib    1Mb  libtiff - tiff image library
diskimage_device.lha  dri/sto  157kb  Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
fuse.lha              emu/com    1Mb  Spectrum emulator with advanced features
viceplus.tar.gz       emu/gam    8Mb  Emulates c64,c64dt,c128,pet,plus4,cbm2 a
wesnoth-devel.lha     gam/str   84Mb  Battle for Wesnoth (development version)
newboing.lha          gra/ico  187kb  Boingball icons
datetime_docky.lha    uti/doc   20kb  Docky that displays the current time and
amidisk.lha           uti/fil    2Mb  File manager for OS4
bibvision.lha         uti/tex  251kb  Bible text viewer for Amiga
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 15. Oct. 2007, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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