Andreas Magerl (ANF)
Amiga Future needs Help
Press release: We need help for the print edition of the Amiga Future. We are looking especially for an editor for apps and games on the classic Amiga. If you are familiar with these topics and your native language is German or English then please contact us via email. Furthermore we are looking for translators for the English print edition. In this case the native language has to be English.
But for our homepage we are looking for support aswell. We need someone to help us regularly or only once with the download database.
It is about testing all downloads on the homepage, writing short descriptions, making screenshots and getting more data.
Our link database needs help aswell. There more links to be added and already existing ones have to be checked if they are valid. For the article section we are looking for someone who wants to do some interviews.
The same holds true for workshops. It doesn't matter whether for the page or the magazine. We need good workshops. Do you know an application very well? Then please write us an email.
At this point we want to remind all people ordering single issues and users with expired subscriptions to order the next issue as soon as possible or to extend the subscription. This way we can calculate the print run much better. The Amiga Future is a non profit project for us. We cannot take the financial risk and print more copies than preorders.
Issue 67 has been completely sold out. We have still some copies of issue 68. In our onlineshop there are only a few copies of The Global Amiga Experience CD left.
(cg) (Translation: cg)
[News message: 11. Oct. 2007, 00:55] [Comments: 0]
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