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AmigaOS 4: Classic-version with native Mediator-support
According to Hans-Jörg "Rogue" Frieden in a thread at currently the kernel is adapted to the known PCI-busboards of the Mediator-serie.

In the past it was known that the original pci.library of the producer of Elbox also works under AmigaOS 4 but has some incompatibilities to the existing PCI-driver system of the new operating system. That means users had to use the drivers provided by Elbox.

If and how the DMA problem of the Mediator boards will be solved - the hardware does not support real DMA - is still not clear. Certain PCI-cards (e.g. tv-cards) require DMA. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Aug. 2007, 16:23] [Comments: 0]
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