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Kris (ANF)

AmigaSYS: Announcement of Version 3 Plus / New Website
Kris writes: AmigaSYS is a preinstalled workbench for the Amiga emulator WinUAE with a lot of features and extensions. After the successful installation AmigaSYS offers a workbench providing everything for an initial start - similar to the projects like AIAB (Amiga In A Box) or AmiKit.

The new internet site is available in three languages (Hungarian, English and German), but is currently under work.

The new version of the package "AmigaSYS 3 Plus" will probably be finished within the next two or three weeks and provided for free download. Here are some features of the new and improved version:
  • Completely new installer script for the versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.9, AF as well as XL which allows a two or three times faster installation
  • Depending on the chosen language not only the os, but possibly all applications are started with the relevant language
  • The new version excels with a better German and English translation
  • New AmigaSYS-add-on packages have been prepared
  • The system is optimized and most of the programs have been replaced with newer versions and heavily tested
  • The whole package was shrinked about several MB through optimization measures and therefore meets better the demands of modem users.
The project is guided by the German Amiga Community and the new version will be also available at their website . (snx) (Translation: tz)

[News message: 05. Jul. 2007, 13:09] [Comments: 0]
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