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21.May.2007 Uploads until 20.05.2007
Uploads on since our last report:
libtommath.lha       dev/lib    1Mb  libtommath - Multiple precision arithmet
structlist.lha       dev/uti   20kb  Now where is that frippin' structure def
xzx2plus3.lha        emu/mis   27kb  Convert XZX-tape files and raw bins to +
gluae-doc.lha        emu/uti  828kb  Integrates UAE into AmigaOS 4 (documenta
gluae-main.lha       emu/uti   12kb  Integrates UAE into AmigaOS 4 (main)
runadf.lha           emu/uti  201kb  RunADF is tooltype program to start ECS/
whdload-to-uae.lha   emu/uti  186kb  WHDLoad to E-UAE
mpsdl.lha            gam/puz    1Mb  A columns clone
gimp_cygnix-src.lha  gra/edi    1Mb  Sources of Gimp 2.2.13 for Cygnix (alpha
gimp_cygnix.lha      gra/edi   18Mb  Gimp 2.2.13 alpha for Cygnix
imagin.lha           gra/ray  646kb  Imagin - a command line Raytracer
collageblanker.lha   gra/scr    4Mb  A Collage Picture Blanker
wookiechat.lha       net/cha    1Mb  IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
transmission.lha     net/p2p  123kb  Transmission - A BITTorrent command line
aspell-dict.cs.lha   off/wor    2Mb  Czech dictionary for AbiWord and other p
aspell-dict.da.lha   off/wor    4Mb  Danish dictionary for AbiWord and other 
aspell-dict.en.lha   off/wor    1Mb  English dictionary for AbiWord and other   off/wor    3Mb  Spanish dictionary for AbiWord and other   off/wor  799kb  Finnish dictionary for AbiWord and other   off/wor    6Mb  French dictionary for AbiWord and other   off/wor    2Mb  Hungarian dictionary for AbiWord and oth   off/wor  898kb  Italian dictionary for AbiWord and other   off/wor    1Mb  Norwegian dictionary for AbiWord and oth   off/wor    2Mb  Polish dictionary for AbiWord and other   off/wor    1Mb  Swedish dictionary for AbiWord and other
clit.lha             uti/tex  235kb  ConvertLIT - decrypt/read ebooks in LIT 
clockskinsboard.lha  uti/wor  995kb  Skinnable Clock for BenchBoards
maclikedock.lha      uti/wor    6Mb  A Visually Impressive Program Launcher
skinnableclock.lha   uti/wor  941kb  A Skinnable Clock for Your Workbench
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 21. May. 2007, 16:42] [Comments: 0]
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