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ACube Systems supports the Phoenix Project
Press release Bassano del Grappa - Italy - 18 may 2007: Phoenix project and Acube Systems Srl are happy to announce their cooperation.
Phoenix project is a non-profit team of Amiga developers aiming to port various free or dismissed applications or games to Amiga OS4. Current ongoing projects include Firefox, Emperor, VLC, Transmission and others.
ACube Systems, in its continuous effort to support Amiga community and developers, will provide the team svn repositories and development machines where needed.
The team is at work collecting sources of dismissed Amiga applications and free software to convert them to OS4. The resulting conversions will be released for free to the Amiga community.
If you are a developer and you would like to take part to the Phoenix Project please contact us at andrea@amigasoft.net and we will give you all the information to join the team. (snx)
[News message: 19. May. 2007, 09:26] [Comments: 0]
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