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Christian Rosentreter (ANF)

MorphOS: OpenTTD 0.5.2 Release Candidate 1
OpenTTD is an open source clone of the famous pc strategy game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" from the nineties, with a lot of extensions - e. g. a network mode, individual graphics sets and adaptiones for more than two dozens of languages.

The version 0.5.2-RC1 fixes several bugs of its previous version - especially the ones which caused a crash of the server and client, whenever you burned a bridge where a vehicle was present.

Fixed bugs:
  • Fix: Loading some TTDP savegames caused an instant assertion on loading (r9857)
  • Fix: [NewGRF] Catch occurance of division-by-zero in varaction handling (r9837)
  • Fix: Only non dedicated servers cannot have 0 players [FS#765] (r9785)
  • Fix: Remove arbitrary limit on length of NewGRF strings (r9775)
  • Fix: [NewGRF] Ignore axis-bit of station tile layouts [FS#756] (r9758)
  • Fix: [win32] Dead key and open/close console. (r9728)
  • Fix: When you have closed the \"Load game\"/\"New game\" windows which you started from the \"start server\" menu, you shouldn\'t start a server when starting a new game [SF#1244842] (r9757)
  • Fix: Trains were lost after autorenewal/autoreplace [FS#732] (r9753)
  • Fix: Stop flooded towns from building roads on water [FS#598] (r9743)
  • Fix: Station signs were not resized when the language changed [FS#672] (r9741)
  • Fix: In news history, newlines were not replaced with spaces [FS#677] (r9731)
  • Fix: Crash when destroying bridge with train partially on it [FS#738] (r9726)
  • Fix: Planes made a 270 degree turn instead of a 90 degree turn on the southern runway of the intercontinental airport [FS#743] (r9725)
  • Fix: In-game private messages did not work for clients with high ClientIDs (r9719)
  • Fix: Do not allow building of rail vehicles whose railtype is not available (r9718)
  • Fix: [YAPF] The guessed path was ignored for ships [FS#736] (r9694)
Additional changes in the MorphOS version which are officially included in version 0.5.2-rc2 and final:
  • Feature: Add threading support for MorphOS (r9759)
  • Fix: Null pointer dereference under MorphOS and AmigaOS (r9861)
(snx) (Translation: tz)

[News message: 17. May. 2007, 18:50] [Comments: 0]
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