AROS-Exec (Webseite)
AROS-Exec : Call for wall-papers
Due to a certain need for new Wanderer backgrounds, everyone is invited to the official "Call for wall-papers" at AROS-Exec.
The wallpapers should be placed in the AROS-Exec gallery and should have a minimal size of 800x600, images in multiple resolutions would be best.
Since there is no resizing of wallpapers supported in Wanderer, the image content might be aligned to the upper left corner, so using a 1024x786 background image in a 800x600 resolution would not cut any logos or sensitive parts.
All images must be released under APL and must not contain any foreign copyrighted materials!
The competition deadline is May 31st, after which a poll will be starting to nominate the winning image. This will be set as the default desktop background in the nightly builds. (snx)
[News message: 25. Mar. 2007, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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