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Amigaharry (ANF)

MorphOS: SearchStar 0.78
Tom 'Amigaharry' Duin writes about version 0.78 of his search program: "Reading the Amiga Future 65 review about my SearchStar 0.76, the review stated that not all files were found by searching. I was going into the sources and found the bug; a near double match was not detected. For instance, search for TEST, then TTEST, TETEST and TESTEST was not found.

Searching for files, through files and file comments is bugfixed. However, the deletion and renaming of files are improved but not entirely bugfixed. As I am going to holiday, it will take a while to solve the last two bugs." (snx)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2007, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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