HTMLview.mcc Open Source Team (ANF)
HTMLview.mcc released under LGPL
Press release The HTMLview.mcc MUI class authors are proud to announce that finally after 10 years of successful development on the AmigaOS platform, the full sources of the HTMLview.mcc MUI custom class are now released under the LGPL license.
In 2000 the sources were kind of lost, because the original author (Allan Odgaard) faced a harddisk crash. However, in early 2005 another try was started to recover the sources from that particular harddisk and luckily the full sources were salvaged from it. Therefore the sources are now released under the LGPL Open source license to a) attract more developers to it and b) to have "the internet" as the future backup server for it.
The sources are now hosted on a sourceforge.net SVN and every interested developer is invited to contribute to the development of the HTMLview.mcc class, especially for the upcoming efforts in AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS development. (snx)
[News message: 12. Mar. 2007, 19:48] [Comments: 0]
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