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12.Mar.2007 Uploads until 11.03.2007
These are the latest uploads which have been added to
hivelytracker.lha    aud/edi    1Mb  Multichannel chiptune tracker, based on 
mp3gain.lha          aud/edi  208kb  MP3Gain - changes the volume of mp3s
rockbeat.lha         aud/tra    1Mb  Create drumming tracks and export them a
wesnoth.lha          gam/str   62Mb  Battle for Wesnoth (stable version)
dmpeggui.lha         gra/con  332kb  Dump the frames of MPEG files, now with 
pngiconscale.lha     gra/ico  451kb  Resize PNG Icons Quickly
amigo1_bp.lha        gra/mis  328kb  Comic style busy pointers
collage_blanker.lha  gra/scr    3Mb  A Collage Picture Blanker
httphandler.lha      net/mis   86kb  HTTP: device for accessing web-hosted fi
x11-src.lha          net/mis    7Mb  X11-R6.3 pre3 sources for Cygnix
stream.lha           uti/ben   14kb  STREAM is a Memory Bandwith Tester
cpuinfo_docky.lha    uti/doc    5kb  CPU usage meter for OS4 AmiDock
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2007, 17:37] [Comments: 0]
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