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CD-Writer software: MakeCD available for free
The CD-Writer software MakeCD, written by Patrick Ohly and Angela Schmidt, which has been shareware before, is now available for free.

The authors write: "MakeCD used to be shareware and some shops sold boxed versions with licenses. This worked well in the past and we are thankful to everyone who found MakeCD worth paying for. However, MakeCD sales have long ago stopped being a relevant source of income for us. At the same time it has become harder and harder for interested users to get hold of a MakeCD license as more and more Amiga shops ceased business.

Therefore we decided to draw a line and stop selling MakeCD altogether: now it is available for free. You still need a valid license key for the existing binaries, which can be obtained at the title link.

Thanks again to all users and distributors who paid for MakeCD licenses, your support has been priceless. I hope you understand that making MakeCD available for free is necessary to ensure that users who want to use it can do so. The status of MakeCD does not change because of it: it is considered stable. We will ensure that it keeps working on Amiga compatible systems." (snx)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2007, 17:19] [Comments: 0]
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