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MorphOS: Instant-Messenger PolyGlot MSN 0.26 (Update)
PolyGlot written by Frederic 'Polymere' Rignault is an Instant-Messenger for the MSN-Network. Few days ago version 0.25 was published.
Some bugs have been fixed and now in the chat room the contact list will not be displayed if a chat request comes in.
Update: (13:07, 03.02.07, snx)
Since today, already version 0.26 is available. Bugfixes: No crash anymore when adding new contacts and adding a contact offline doesn't show it online anymore. (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 02. Feb. 2007, 19:57] [Comments: 2 - 04. Feb. 2007, 11:09]
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