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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: TTEngine2 0.17
Grzegorz 'Krashan' Kraszewski has released version 0.17 of his TrueType rendering library TTEngine2, used by the KHTML browser Sputnik.

Three additional output modules for the AGRB32, RGB24 and BGR24 pixel modes of CyberGraphX are included. These should cover all Voodoo and Permedia graphics cards. However, since the author possesses none of these cards, this is still untested.

Users of the beta version of Sputnik, who did not see any text on 24 bit screens, should switch to the current version of TTEngine2. For this, simply unpack the archive and copy the new library over your old ttengine2.library in the LIBS: directory and restart the computer.

Please send bug reports to the author under "krashan at teleinfo dot pb dot edu dot pl" and, if necessary, consult the corresponding thread at MorphZone, too.

Download: ttengine2-0.17.lha (82 KB)

Update: (12.11.2006, 20:40, cg)

By now Version 2.0.17 is available, which aims to fix a color problem on 24 bit screens on Permedia 2 based graphic cards. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 12. Nov. 2006, 20:07] [Comments: 0]
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