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Hyperion nimmt zu McEwen-Interview Stellung
In a recent Interview, Bill McEwen from Amiga Inc. raised a few questions regarding the legal status of AmigaOS 4.0. We approached Hyperion's Management and asked for a statement concerning the legal issues mentioned by McEwen. Below you'll find the reply from Evert Carton, Management Partner of Hyperion Entertainment VOF:

Judging from some of the e-mails we received, the recent comments by the Amiga Inc. management seem to have created confusion with respect to the development and availability of Amiga OS 4.0.

As managing partner of Hyperion Entertainment VOF, I would like to take this opportunity to assure our customers that development of Amiga OS 4.0 is entirely in Hyperion's hand alone and that the Amiga OS 4.0 development team is proceeding very well indeed as may become obvious during the upcoming shows in Italy and Sacramento, U.S.A.

There are no development hold-ups of any kind and we are in fact anticipating an initial "final release candidate" by the end of 2006 provided suitable hardware is available for sale at that time. You may recall the fact that Hyperion held back on the official release of Amiga OS 4.0 in 2005 in order to have it coincide with the availability of suitable target hardware.

Several third party hardware manufacturers have indicated that they are working on a wide range of different suitable PPC hardware platforms. We will leave it to them to communicate about these projects in due time.

This extra time has given the OS 4 development team the opportunity to not only polish the final product even more but to incorporate very substantial and modern functionality such as the new, extremely reliable, modern and powerful memory subsystem in conjunction with new yet to be revealed functionality.

We will specifically not comment on any legal issues as raised by Amiga Inc. management as these matters are finally and at our explicit and repeated request being handled by both parties' respective lawfirms and we find it highly inappropriate to publically comment on these matters in the meanwhile. Suffice it to say that some statements by Amiga Inc. were clearly in contradiction with the views held by Hyperion's attorneys both on a legal and on a factual level.

We thank you for your patience and the continued support of the Amiga OS 4.0 project which we are dedicated to complete as soon as possible.

Evert Carton
Managing partner (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 20. Sep. 2006, 02:17] [Comments: 0]
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