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PPC-Hardware: "Samantha" with PPC440 and ATI-onboard graphic?
In a thread at a photo was posted that shows a small part of the PPC motherboard nicknamed "Samantha" that will be introduced at the Italian show Pianeta Amiga (September 23 and 24, Empoli).

The picture shows a part of the PCB that seems to be prepared to host two somewhat bigger chips. The pinout of the right area indicates that a PPC440 CPU might be placed at this position. The PPC440 is a SoC (System on a Chip) CPU available with up to 667 Mhz.

As of yet, it's not known which chip will be put on the mounting area shown on the left part of the picture. Since the CPU used doesn't need a traditionell northbridge, an on-board graphics chip could be placed there. Interesting in this context: On an Italian forum, Massimiliano "m3X" Tretene of Soft3, one of the initiators of the project, identifies himself as an "ATI OEM partner". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Sep. 2006, 17:15] [Comments: 0]
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