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Jörg Schiller (ANF)

Kurzbericht: Commodore on the Funkausstellung
Jörg Schiller wrotes: "I visit the internation Funkaustellung in Berlin last friday. In Hall 1 near the South Entrance (Jaffestrasse) to my surprise: Commodore with a big stand.

There are two older C64 with externale 5,25" Floppydrives and Monitor shown which are presents the typical blue-in-blue mainscreen. Otherwise Commodore presenting several electronical Infoterminals and small Palmtops.

A lot of people stood around the the both working C64, and people between 30 to 40 esteemend his sense of pleasure. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 04. Sep. 2006, 02:15] [Comments: 0]
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