Sven Scheele (ANF)
Event: updated information about the Amiga-Meeting Nord
From October, 13. to October, 15. does in Bad Bramstedt the Amiga-Meeting Nord take place again. As Sven Scheele announced, already 28 participiants have registered which is a new register record for this point in time. The number of participiants is limited to 40 computers places.
Among the participiants are two developers right now. So will Guido Mersmann show the current development state of his TV cards software Valiant Vision.
The AmithlonTV successor will for example receive support for DVB-T/S/C cards.
Sven Dröge will for the first time introduce his new HBCI capable banking software proBanking to the public. The software is still in development. Sven Dröge is the author of the stock exchange software proBonds.
If there's enough interest there will be a small workshop to demonstrate the possibilities of the programming language AmiBlitz2.
With Axel Knabe there'll be a reseller at the meeting, too. There you can among other things have a look at see the current development state of the CD/DVD burner software BurnIt. The release of the program is further delayed but in the meantime it passes through a special beta test.
The organizers want to call once again all developers to use the meeting to show their projects respectively their products to the potential users. For this there's still the offer of a participation at half the normal price.
(snx) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 12. Aug. 2006, 16:28] [Comments: 0]
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