amigafuture.de (website)
Retro Gaming: WHDLoad 16.6
With WHDLoad it is possible to install old, copy protected games onto hard disk, furthermore compatibility issues with AGA based and tuned Amigas are fixed. Changes of version 16.6:
- fix: no more enforcer hits (byte read from adr 0) on directory cache
preload on FFS filesystems (Christian)
- upd: italian documentation is in sync again, thanks David Bergantin
for updating it
- upd: small enhancement for HrtMon to print out expmem boundaries
- fix: no longer complains about missing ENV: assign
- fix: bus/address error messages on 68000 corrected
- fix: the message returned on interrupted resload functions did have
the same name for both functions, this has been corrected
- chg: argument checking for resload functions improved, now the
current stack can not be overwritten by resload functions (size
of reserved stack space is 64 bytes)
- new: command GA added to resload_Patch/Seg to get a address and store
it inside a variable in the slave
- fix: modify at ExpMem via resload_Patch works again, was permitted
in version 16.5
- chg: kickemu improved, compiles with PhxAss and AsmOne again, new
switch NO68020 for kick31.s to get 68000 compatible code,
patches to the kickstart added to avoid overwriting the vector
table, this allows WHDLoad to catch exceptions also on 68000
(Don Adan)
- new: greek translation of documentation, thanks to Dimitris
Panokostas of ATO
(cg) (Translation: ts)
[News message: 08. Jun. 2006, 18:48] [Comments: 0]
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