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23.Apr.2006 (Webseite)

ACK Software Controls: Notify two A1-CPU-Modules (Update)
Linked to the header Adam Kowalczyk from ACK Software Controls Inc. notify the expected availablility of two new CPU-moduls for the AmigaOne XE til June 2006.

ACK Software Controls, Inc. is pleased to announce the upcoming availability of two new AmigaOne XE CPU modules. The first CPU module will be equipped with a Freescale MC7448 CPU clocked at 1GHz. The 1GHz module will retail for $500.00 US Dollars. The second CPU module will be equipped with a Freescale MC7448 clocked at 1.7GHz will retail for $850.00 US Dollars. Both CPU modules will be eqipped with a high quality heatsink and fan to ensure quiet, reliable operation.
Prototype modules will be demonstrated May 22/2006. The location for this demonstration has yet to be determined. Due to the low volume nature of these products, emails indicating demand for either of the two units is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for updates.
Update: (19:49, 23.04.06, snx)
According a comment of Adam Kowalczyk both CPU-moduls fits also into the ľA1-mainboard if the case is big enough. (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2006, 18:20] [Comments: 0]
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