Verein zum Erhalt klassischer Computer e.V. (ANF)
Event: Classic-Computing 2006
On September 30th and October 01st 2006 the Classic-Cpmputing 2006 takes place, this time in Nordhorn, Lower Saxony.
On about 1.100 square meters users, clubs, vendors and collectors of history computers from all over Germany, Benelux and many other Countries will meet. Beside the possibility to play with one of the many arranged computers and consoles, you may inform yourself about repair and maintenance of your "oldtimer" through members of the "Verein zur Enthaltung klassischer Computer" an other Collectors and trader. You may also trade or buy whole computers, games or accessories from traders or private sellers. A large number of collectors, vendors, and the "retro-press" have already announced theirs participation. Of course, not only members but also all friends of classic computers are invited.
A special emphasis is put on the still very actibe Amiga sceme this year, so many vendors and users may be expected. But also friends of other computers will sure not be dissapointed. Traditionally, like every year many MSX-computers, Commodore 8 bit computers, Ataris, old Apple-computers and historic professional computers from the time before windows will be there to be seen and experienced.
Admission for visitors is 2 EUR. But there are also very attractive fees for traders, collectors and second-hand dealers, to make this a real mega-event-
Further information can be found at the page of the association for conversation of classic computers e.V., www.classic-computing.de, or directly on www.amiga-event.de, or via mail from the head of the association: Rüdiger Schuldes, Kappelbergstraße 14, 71332 Waiblingen. (cg) (Translation: iw)
[News message: 14. Mar. 2006, 18:49] [Comments: 0]
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