Michael Böhmer (ANF)
New Edition of the SUBWAY USB-Controllers
Due to the high demand E3B is happy to anounce a new editon of the reknown and popular USB controller SUBWAY for the Amiga Clockport. Production could commence before the research period of Michael Böhmer and is already revved.
The new edition is supported actively by the former competitor on the USB market. Massimo Mancini - designer of the UltraBUS, unfortunately produced only as a prototype - has ceded its store to E3B and therefore enables a smooth reissue of the SUBWAY, which otherwise almost had failed due to the sales policy of the semiconductor industry and their germand distributors respectively.
As before, Chris Hodges popular USB-Stack Poseidon will be included in the 2.x version. The convenient upgrade-offer, E3B will take over part of the liscencing costs, also applies to the reisued SUBWAY modules and so far is available only for E3B products in the section of USB controllers for the Amiga.
E3B will announce the beginning of shipment for the SUBWAY as usual on the popular news pages. It is already a fact, tha SUBWAY will be available at al major Amiga vendors worldwide. As a novelty, this time distribution for chosen countries will be handled through individual computers to enable al vendors to purchase at low cost (thus enabling low consumer prices). (nba) (Translation: iw)
[News message: 14. Mar. 2006, 12:28] [Comments: 0]
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