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19.Feb.2006 (Web page)

AmigaOS 4: File system SFS with support for files larger than 4 GB
Jörg Strohmayer has released a special version of the file system SFS, which also supports files larger than two and four gigabytes, respectively. "SFS2" is not compatible with the forerunner SFS, but both versions can be used concurrently. The author specifically points out the beta character of the software.

Since the support for file sizes beyond the two gigabyte limit, introduced with AmigaOS 4, requires the usage of new operating system functions, practically no software is available at present that could handle such large files. But with SFS2, the development of such applications is now possible for the first time. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2006, 02:50] [Comments: 0]
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