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Bernd Roesch (ANF)

AROS: AfA 3.91.1
AROS for AmigaOS (AfA), a project for enhancing the AmigaOS 3.x by porting back newer AROS- functions, was updated to version 3.91.1.

  • Bug fixes:
    • exec.library: obtainsemaphorelist now works also when the same task already locked the semaphore (fixed in AROS, too)
    • diskfont.library: crash because of buffer overflow with some colour fonts (fixed by Georg Steger; fixed in AROS, too)
  • New:
    • stack increased for every program to avoid a buffer overflow when using many additional patches; this feature is implemented in the file afa_system_lib.exe and works without the exec.library
    • Stack size of 4500 bytes as standard (AmigaOS: 4000); when a program itself demkands additional stack does AfA increase it by 260 Byte
    • AfA logo integrated into the AfA preferences; the logo was made by FishX and is available in to sizes in the directory "logo"
Here now some notes for developers:

When a program is developed on AfA it could crash running on AmigaOS because of the lower standard stack size. Therefore , this should be increased by default.

For developers being interested in a graphical skins system for AROS and therefore in AfA created Georg Steger a frameI class as an example that is available in the Intuition directory of AfA and that can be started via double clicking as often as it is wanted.

The intuition.library of AROS in AfA is now that far that all related elements are used by AROS. The source code is uptodate - but there's no binary file as it looks exactly as the one for AmigaOS. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Jan. 2006, 19:55] [Comments: 0]
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