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Aminet-Uploads til 01.01.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
freepops.lha                comm/mail   1.3M  OS4  FreePOPs
A71Mail.lha                 comm/www     19K  GEN  Email Form multilanguage written in php
A71Mail_example.jpg         comm/www     32K  GEN  Email Form multilanguage written in php
My_Age.lha                  comm/www      3K  GEN  Update magically your age on your web pa
YAT.lha                     comm/yam    542K  GEN  Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM
Antimagi.adz                demo/disk   428K  OS3  Crack And Roll Demodisk  demo/file   794K  OS3  Atomic Team - Demo And Intro Collection 
Blitz2_Guide.lha            dev/basic   645K  GEN  Blitz Basic 2.1 manual in guide format+s
Annotate.lha                dev/cross    49K  OS3  Comments/reformats DASMX 2650 cross-dis
nano.lha                    dev/lang    234K  OS3  New virtual machine, assembler like lang
libSGE_mos.lha              dev/misc    346K  MOS  SDL Graphics Extension (binary only dist
ode_mos.lha                 dev/misc    340K  MOS  Open Dynamics Engine for MorphOS
eggchess_mos.lha            game/think  362K  MOS  Play chess with eggs
Marryampic2.lha             game/think  299K  MOS  CardSet game with sound-pairs (MorphOS)
Amilineate_V1.2.lha         gfx/conv    888K  OS3  easy GUI for autotrace
drawstudio_fr.lha           gfx/edit     10K  GEN  french translation for drawstudio
jhead_os4.lha               gfx/misc    146K  OS4  View, modify and delete Exif data from J          gfx/show     84K  GEN  skins for DvPlayer         gfx/show     27K  GEN  skins for DvPlayer
EpsonColor_v40.lha          hard/drivr   46K  OS3  Epson Stylus Color Driver for WB V40.28
Epson_400.lha               hard/drivr   26K  OS3  Epson Stylus 400/440/460/480 Driver for 
Epson_Color.lha             hard/drivr   37K  OS3  24 bit Epson Stylus Driver for WB V44.02
HP_Deskjet400C.lha          hard/drivr   49K  OS3  Deskjet 400C/L Driver for WB 40.17
HP_Deskjet600C.lha          hard/drivr   51K  OS3  Deskjet 600C Driver for WB V40.17
HP_Deskjet670C.lha          hard/drivr   28K  OS3  Deskjet 670C/680C/690C Driver V40.32
HP_Deskjet870C.lha          hard/drivr   27K  OS3  Deskjet 8x0C Driver for WB V40.23
HP_Deskjet900C.lha          hard/drivr   25K  OS3  Deskjet 9x0C Driver for WB V40.14
ATA_harddrive_light.lha     hard/hack    48K  GEN  A very simple Harddrive-light for ATA-dr
dosbox.lha                  misc/emu    1.3M  OS4  MS DOS emulator
organ_01d_wos.lha           mus/midi     90K  WUP  Organ plugin for HD-Rec
ahxplay.lha                 mus/play     92K  MOS  AHX player library for MorphOS with SDK 
SimpleSamples.lha           mus/play     45K  OS3  Little musical toy for all the AMIGAs
tunenet-expensive.lha       mus/play    149K  GEN  Another Skin for TuneNet v0.7+
fond1_os4.jpg               pix/back    494K  GEN  backdrop pic
Fond2_os4.0.jpg             pix/back    530K  GEN  pic background
Fond3_os4.0.jpg             pix/back    514K  GEN  pic background         pix/theme    24K  GEN  Skin Blue2  for OS4 Audio mixer
sloth.lha                   pix/theme    27K  GEN  Sloth theme for VisualPrefs
Iceland10.jpg               pix/views   137K  GEN  Waterfall in Iceland
Iceland11.jpg               pix/views   114K  GEN  Waterfall in Iceland
Iceland9.jpg                pix/views   107K  GEN  Waterfall in Iceland
OneLine_MUI.lha             text/misc   201K  OS3  Text parser, CR-LF-TAB + GhostScript850 
cdid2cdlist.lha             util/conv     5K  OS3  Creates a cdlist from cdid files
BlowfishV0.1.lha            util/crypt   61K  MOS  Encrypt / decrypt your data
DiskMaster_locale.lha       util/dir     46K  GEN  Translation package for DiskMaster2
TheMaestrix.lha             util/libs    16K  OS3  The Maestix: Reloaded! Using AHI.
ttengine-68k.lha            util/libs   420K  OS3  TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.2)
eflashutil.lha              util/misc    29K  OS3  GUI for eFlasher (utility for eFlash 400
tunenet-docky.lha           util/wb       8K  OS4  amipal's TuneNet Docky
(cg) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 02. Jan. 2006, 00:21] [Comments: 0]
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