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Godefroy / ToT-Team (ANF)

Beta testers for Tales of Tamar needed (version 0.54)
The developers of the round based massively multiplayer PBEM game Tales of Tamar are looking for beta testers for v0.54 of the game. Screenshots of the current version can be found in the ToT forum.

The ToT team wrote: The first step to the planned 3D map is done! Tales of Tamar now runs in a higher resolution and makes the project shine in a new brightness due to the new GUI and the revised handling. Instead of the used resolution of640*480 pixels it is now posible to play the project in a resolution of 1024*768 pixels in 16, 24 or 32 bit.

The rewriting of the engine took full three months and we hit several times the performance maximum of the different Amigas. Bugs in the graphics cards software, power bottlenecks and non-existing important features like e.g.real double buffering are only some of the problems we had to deal with.

But mnow it is done and we are proud to be able to make this software pearl available to the Amiga community. And as it has always been in the past it is the Amiga community being the first to get this feature offered.

So the complete ToT team wishes you a happy new year. May the Amiga be with us for some more years. Well, in some way.

As for the beta test:

To test the current features we need 30 active beta testers to test and play Tales of Tamar on different Amiga systems. Beta testers test our project for free and they should just bring enough motivation with them to report bugs to us.

To go about the next step, namely the 3D map, we need at least 30 testers on different Amiga systems. Ere the implementation of the 3D map can be started as many bugs as possible have to be found, reported and fixed in the current new implemented game client with the bigger map. This can only be done with the community's help. Let's create together a fundament for the further development of the game client on the amiga platform!

The features:
  • 640*480/8 Bit and 1024*768/16/24/32 bit support
  • AmigaOS 4 support
  • MorphOS support
  • Amithlon support
  • UAE support
  • PowerPC support
  • CD, Paula & AHI support
  • Animated weapons, armours, goods a buildings in 8/16/24/32 bit
  • Figure animationen in 8/16/24/32 bit
  • More than 30 different screens
  • Massively multiplayer strategy game via email or TCP/IP
  • Support for different languages
  • Cross platform gaming possible (Amiga, PC, Mac, Linux, Browser, Java)
  • Online chat
  • 8 minutes intro
Your ToT team

About Tales of Tamar:

Tales of Tamar is a round based massively multiplayer strategiy game similar to Kaiser or Civilization and has been developed by the company Eternity. (snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 31. Dec. 2005, 15:30] [Comments: 0]
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