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14.Nov.2005 Uploads til 13.11.2005 uploads since our last news report:
wave_dt.lha            dat/sou  112kb  An OS4 native RIFF-WAVE datatype, with s
pacman05.lha           gam/mis    1Mb  PacMan 05
njam.lha               gam/act    2Mb  Njam - SDL action game
mkpasswd.lha           uti/she    7kb  Small program for generating 'random' pa
wbmakelink.lha         uti/wor   48kb  A tool to make links all over your volum
freedb_copytracks.lha  aud/mis   10kb  ARexx script for FreeDB to create MP3 tr
vbamuigui.lha          emu/uti   14kb  VisualBoy Advance MUI GUI
scrambly.lha           gam/puz  208kb  puzzle game - port of a cellphone game
clipit.lha             uti/wor  264kb  ClipIt V2 GUI for clipboard.device src i
mencoder.lha           vid/edi    3Mb  MEncoder for OS4
boost.lha              dev/lib    5Mb  Boost C++ libraries
expat-ppc.lha          dev/lib    1Mb  Expat C library for parsing XML
scummvm_tools.lha      gam/adv  821kb  SCUMMVM Tools for use with SCUMM games.

[News message: 14. Nov. 2005, 02:58] [Comments: 0]
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