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PPCNUX (homepage)

Test report: 3D shooter under MorphOS with different graphics cards (Update)
Under the title link PPCNUX performs a detailed test of Morphos' suitability for 3D shooters with the use of different graphics cards.

Ports of Quake I-III were tested on a Pegasos II/G4 with the graphics cards Radeon 9200SE, Voodoo 3 3500TV and Radeon 9000 Pro All in Wonder.

Conclusion: "All games ran smoothly and without trouble - except the fatal try to set a 1600x1200 gaming resolution with the Voodoo 3."

Update: (08:33, 11.11.05, snx)
The test report has been translated into the English language meanwhile, thus the title link has been changed accordingly. (snx) (Translation: ts)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2005, 09:53] [Comments: 1 - 11. Nov. 2005, 08:34]
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