Sven Dröge (ANF)
Stock excange software proBonds V2.20
Today the Version 2.2 of the Stock excange software proBonds was released.
The author did't have a MorphOS or AmigaOS 4 System, so he ask special
for Errormessages on this systems.
Major changes:
- Windows by adding of information are reduced.
- ISIN as Identificationsfeature for Objectes added
- Several gui corrections added
- Objecteditor & Exchangeindexeditor are not longer modally
- Several items are corrected on the graphical user interface
- Statistics are now shown graphical
- Reimplementation of a simple printfunction
- A lot of minor details are improved by the constructive help of the
betatester. Many thanks of the author at this point.
For the next vision a improved depotmanager with better handling and more
functions, e.g. funds,is planed.
Also the implemtation of a graphical display for depots is a target. (snx) (Translation: aj)
[News message: 07. Nov. 2005, 15:21] [Comments: 0]
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