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Aminet-Uploads til 23.10.2005
Here the since our last report added Aminet-uploads:
uucp2smtp.lha                comm/tcp     11K  all  SMTP sender for UUCP spool mail jobs -- 
MakeHTMLMap.lha              comm/www    891K  OS3  The Gallery/Onlineshop Creator for Amiga
war_sot1.lha                 demo/disk   385K  OS3  "Suck on This" (Side A). by WAR
war_sot2.lha                 demo/disk   473K  OS3  "Suck on This" (Side B). by WAR      demo/euro   769K  OS3  save the earth #1 pack by skid/ozone
sdl_demoeffects.lha          demo/file   4.5M  OS4  14 eyecatching effects.
7days.lha                    demo/mag    4.9M  VAR  Polish mag "Seven Days" issue #1
war_mind.lha                 demo/sound  382K  OS3  "one minute mind" by WAR Oct. 2005
clockita.lha                 dev/basic    79K  OS3  Italian clock+alarm+source code (bugfix)
make-ppc.lha                 dev/c       178K  OS4  GNU make PPC
ecx_upd.lha                  dev/e       126K  VAR  E Compiler ECX. Update to 1.4.7
distcc.lha                   dev/gcc     394K  OS4  distcc distributed C/C++ compiler
chocolatecastle.lha          dev/mui      62K  MOS  Parametrized MUI custom class code gener
b5i2iso.lha                  disk/misc    28K  OS3  b5i2iso 0.4 - Convert B5I (BlindWrite) f
bin2iso.lha                  disk/misc    29K  OS3  bin2iso - Convert BIN files to ISO-9660
ccd2iso.lha                  disk/misc    34K  OS3  ccd2iso - Convert CCD (CloneCD) files to
cdi2iso.lha                  disk/misc    29K  OS3  cdi2iso - Convert CDI (DiscJuggler) file
mdf2iso.lha                  disk/misc    41K  OS3  mdf2iso - Convert MDF (Alcohol 120%) fil
MSH-1.58.lha                 disk/misc   325K  OS3  Messydos File System 1.58 - read/write p
nrg2iso.lha                  disk/misc    31K  OS3  nrg2iso 0.4 - Convert NRG (Nero) files t
pdi2iso.lha                  disk/misc    32K  OS3  pdi2iso - Convert PDI (InstantCopy) file
bubbletrain.lha              game/actio  4.6M  OS4  A clone of Worms Blast /offspring of Puz
quadromania_os4.lha          game/board  538K  OS4  Tiny board game
Liga05-06.lha                game/data    40K  all  Update of the Spanish season 2005-06 for
supertux.lha                 game/jump   7.3M  OS4  SDL platform jump'n'run like Giana Siste
syasokoban.lha               game/misc   590K  OS4  A Sokoban Clone with quite decent gfx
PBD-Install.lha              game/patch    0K  all  Patch for installing Pinball Brain Damag
sdl-fighter_os4.lha          game/shoot  2.0M  OS4  SDL-Fighter OS4
stargun.lha                  game/shoot  1.0M  OS4  Stargun is a space shooter, vertical scr
abandoned_bricks-mos.lha     game/think  2.2M  MOS  SDL cross-platform tetris-like game
masterpiece.lha              game/think  1.6M  OS4  A Columns clone
pegs.lha                     game/think  1.3M  OS4  SDL puzzle game
robotescape.lha              game/think  992K  OS4  Strange and orginal maze think and shoot
scalar.lha                   game/think   11M  OS4  Pandoras box clone , and a very good one
twin_distress.lha            game/think  3.5M  OS4  Block game with nice gfx and lots of opt
ataripac2pbm.lha             gfx/conv     33K  OS4  Atari PAC2PBM - An Image Converter
c64gfx_aos4.lha              gfx/conv    509K  OS4  C64GFX - Conv between C64 and Amiga Imag
DIYrekoIII.lha               gfx/ifx      52K  all  Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets
bdancer_os4.lha              gfx/misc    345K  OS4  Make dancing images
dvplayer-demo.lha            gfx/show    575K  OS4  Video Player with skinnable GUI
WarpView.lha                 gfx/show     27K  OS4  A fast Image Viewer using Warp3D
vba-ppc-amigaos-bin.lha      misc/emu    1.4M  OS4  a full featured Game Boy Advance emulato
vba-ppc-amigaos-src.lha      misc/emu    3.9M  all  a full featured Game Boy Advance emulato
adt.c                        misc/unix    78K  all  Aminet Download Tool
maquinamala.lha              mods/hardc   71K  all  30000bpm hardcore mod by TRAPOSOFT
atlantis                     mods/house  254K  all  ManFromAtlantis OctaMed song
Awen-101DreadingTheInev.mp3  mods/mpg    2.5M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-102DominionOfSgath.mp3  mods/mpg    6.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-103BearingDown.mp3      mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-104TheTriumphant.mp3    mods/mpg     11M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-105TheHunterTheHun.mp3  mods/mpg     13M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-106JourneyThroughT.mp3  mods/mpg     17M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-107NightInAnnwvyn.mp3   mods/mpg     12M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-108MomentOfJoy.mp3      mods/mpg    3.1M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-109UnderSeige.mp3       mods/mpg    6.1M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-110TheSeasOfTime.mp3    mods/mpg     12M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-111Invaders.mp3         mods/mpg    8.6M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-112TheApprentice.mp3    mods/mpg    6.4M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-113ASorcerer.mp3        mods/mpg     19M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-114AWarrior.mp3         mods/mpg    9.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-115Wolves.mp3           mods/mpg    6.6M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-201AQuestAlone.mp3      mods/mpg    4.9M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-202AFoolsWish.mp3       mods/mpg    8.4M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-203BindingRunes.mp3     mods/mpg    6.4M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-204AllHopeIsLost.mp3    mods/mpg    8.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-205TurnedToStone.mp3    mods/mpg    8.8M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-206Game.mp3             mods/mpg    3.0M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-207CreepingMagic.mp3    mods/mpg    1.8M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-208ACompanion.mp3       mods/mpg    4.6M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-209DarkWorld.mp3        mods/mpg    2.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-210TheBlacksmith.mp3    mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-211CuChullain.mp3       mods/mpg    4.5M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-212DarknessFalls.mp3    mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-213Ratatosk.mp3         mods/mpg    5.2M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-214GainingSadness.mp3   mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-215DaughterOfTheBo.mp3  mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-216FlowOfMadness.mp3    mods/mpg    4.9M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-217LikeAnts.mp3         mods/mpg    3.5M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-218RedBoar.mp3          mods/mpg    4.9M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-219Prehistoric.mp3      mods/mpg    5.5M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-220InvisibleImposs.mp3  mods/mpg     12M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-301TheMarket.mp3        mods/mpg    2.4M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-302Lapwing.mp3          mods/mpg    4.0M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-303NoRelief.mp3         mods/mpg    3.6M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-304StrangePerspect.mp3  mods/mpg    3.0M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-305ByStealthPartI.mp3   mods/mpg    3.2M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-306ByStealthPartII.mp3  mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-307IntoTheHallOfK.mp3   mods/mpg    3.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-308SlingingStone.mp3    mods/mpg    2.4M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-309TheTest.mp3          mods/mpg    3.7M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-310Warlord.mp3          mods/mpg    2.4M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-311WaitingForDawn.mp3   mods/mpg    3.9M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-312BySea.mp3            mods/mpg    3.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-313Wardrums.mp3         mods/mpg    2.0M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-314Pursued.mp3          mods/mpg    4.0M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
Awen-315Assault.mp3          mods/mpg    1.3M  all  Instrumental Heavy Metal albums created 
arnold.lha                   mus/misc    1.6M  OS4  Useless utility which was used in radio 
playOGG.lha                  mus/play    986K  OS3  Plays OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods
sc68.lha                     mus/play    1.1M  OS4  Plays Atari ST and Amiga music (.sc68 fo
SimpleSamples.lha            mus/play     43K  OS3  Little musical toy for PAL AMIGAs
stsound.lha                  mus/play    188K  OS4  Plays .ym music files (Amstrad, Atari...
gbposterpdf.lha              pix/art     134M  all  AMIGA -Get Boinged!- poster for printing
Awen-100Nwyvre_Back.jpg      pix/illu    378K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-100Nwyvre_Front.jpg     pix/illu    299K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-100Nwyvre_Inside.jpg    pix/illu    349K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-200CollachD_Back.jpg    pix/illu    308K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-200CollachD_Front.jpg   pix/illu    239K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-200CollachD_Inside.jpg  pix/illu    267K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-300DrumadoirBack.jpg    pix/illu    298K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-300DrumadoirFront.jpg   pix/illu    274K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
Awen-300DrumadoirInside.jpg  pix/illu    278K  all  Cover for Heavy Metal album by Awen
totalchaosagav5_review.jpg   pix/misc    177K  all  Review of the game Total Chaos AGA
gnu-sed.lha                  util/gnu    154K  OS4  Shell based text stream editor
avcodec_lib.lha              util/libs   665K  OS4  Audio and Video codec library for OS4
dca_codec.lha                util/libs   284K  OS4  A simple, cross-platform CD playing libr
birdie2000.lha               util/wb     112K  OS3  Configure the windowborder from the work
ClipIt.lha                   util/wb      93K  OS3  Access clipboard via GUI
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2005, 00:52] [Comments: 0]
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