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23.Oct.2005 Uploads up to 23.10.2005
Here are the newly added uploads at since our last news item:
stargun.lha          gam/act    1Mb  Stargun is a space shooter, vertical scr
pegs.lha             gam/puz    1Mb  SDL puzzle game
scalar.lha           gam/puz   11Mb  Pandoras box clone , and a very good one
twin_distress.lha    gam/puz    3Mb  Block game with nice gfx and lots of opt
ataripac2pbm.lha     gra/con   32kb  Atari PAC2PBM - An Image Converter
warpview.lha         gra/vie   27kb  A fast Image Viewer using Warp3D
msxditools.lha       uti/fil   74kb  MSX Disk Image Tools
popurl.lha           uti/she    7kb  OS4 replacement for OpenURL shell comman
figlet.lha           uti/tex  319kb  Makes big ASCII Characters
arnold.lha           aud/mis    1Mb  Useless utility which was used in radio 
syasokoban.lha       gam/puz  589kb  A Sokoban Clone with quite decent gfx
distcc.lha           dev/lan  393kb  distcc distributed C/C++ compiler
make-ppc.lha         dev/uti  177kb  GNU make PPC
bubbletrain.lha      gam/puz    4Mb  A clone of Worms Blast /offspring of Puz
dca_codec.lha        aud/mis  284kb  DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
robotescape.lha      gam/mis  992kb  Strange and orginal maze think and shoot
supertux.lha         gam/pla    7Mb  SDL platform jump 'n run like Giana Sist
masterpiece.lha      gam/puz    1Mb  A Columns clone
gnu-sed.lha          uti/she  154kb  Shell based text stream editor
sdl_demoeffects.lha  dem/mis    4Mb  14 eyecatching effects.
quadromania_os4.lha  gam/boa  537kb  Tiny board game
bdancer_os4.lha      gra/mis  345kb  Make dancing images
colem_os4.lha        emu/gam  135kb  Colem ColecoVision Emulator
sdl-fighter_os4.lha  gam/act    1Mb  A small horizontal Shoot em up
c64gfx_aos4.lha      gra/con  508kb  C64GFX - Conv between C64 and Amiga Imag
sc68.lha             aud/pla    1Mb  Plays Atari ST and Amiga music (.sc68 fo
stsound.lha          aud/pla  187kb  Plays .ym music files (Amstrad, Atari...
uips_aos4.lha        uti/fil   35kb  Universal IPS patcher - patches ROM file
dvplayer-demo.lha    vid/pla  574kb  Video Player with skinnable GUI
(cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 23. Oct. 2005, 23:55] [Comments: 0]
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