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Sven Drieling (ANF)

Book: "Version Control with Subversion - For Subversion 1.1"
Version control systems like CVS and Subversion are used in software development in particular. They support multiple developers working on a project at the same time, and every state of a project, that was previously saved, can be restored at any time, for example, when a new idea has turned out to be the wrong way, and then you would rather pick up from where you were a week ago.

In his journal entry, Sven Drieling describes his first experiences with Subversion, states possible applications for a version control system, and gives an account of his impressions from the online book Version Control with Subversion -For Subversion 1.1.

Subversion exists for the Amiga and for MorphOS, too. (cg) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 23. Oct. 2005, 15:46] [Comments: 0]
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