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MorphOS: Software news up to 02.10.2005

DiskSpeed 4.9

DiskSpeed, the program for determining harddisk access speed, was ported from AROS to MorphOS by Ilkka Lehtoranta.

Download: DiskSpeedPPC.lha (82 KB)

ezTCP 0.6

In the meantime, the PPC-native TCP/IP stack ezTCP by Pavel 'Sonic' Fedin is available in alpha version 0.6. The problem with domain names starting with a number was solved. Additionally, together with the separate usergroup.library, which is now ported as well, the use of programs based on the ixemul.library is also possible.


usergroup.library 4.1

The usergroup.library was separated by Pavel 'Sonic' Fedin from his TCP/IP stack project and serves solely compatibility purposes. It is merely required by programs based on the ixemul.library in interaction with the TCP/IP stack, even though Amiga operating systems represent only single user systems anyway.


XDME 1.84

XDME concerns a texteditor that was ported to MorphOS by Ilkka Lehtoranta.

Download: XDME-PPC.lha (1,4 MP)

XInvaders3D 1.3.6

XInvaders3D is a clone of the game Space Invaders (Screenshot) based on vector graphics, which was, likewise, ported to MorphOS by Ilkka Lehtoranta.

Download: XInvaders3D.lha (94 KB) (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 02. Oct. 2005, 11:39] [Comments: 0]
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