Retro-Gaming: New test reports, scans und reader letters at Kultboy.com
Since our last news item, 27 new game test reports, three Amiga Joker covers, a preview, two reader letters and a graphic novel were published at Kultboy.com, as well as a PlayTime article from the year 1994 with the title: "Hat der PC noch Zukunft? (Does the PC still have a future?)".
The game tests:
- Advanced Fruit Machine Simulator (AJ)
- Alien World (AJ)
- Jonathan (AJ 4/91)
- Jonathan (AJ 2/93)
- Jonathan (ASM)
- Mega Man (PP)
- Metal Gear (ASM)
- Super Mario Bros. (HC)
- Donkey Kong Jr. (HC)
- Eliminator (ASM)
- Kirbys Dream Land (ASM)
- Myth (AJ)
- Phantasmagoria (PP)
- Spirit of Adventure (AJ)
- TV Sports Basketball (AJ)
- Bill's Tomato Game (AJ)
- Darklands (PT)
- Murder (AJ)
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (ASM)
- Super R-Type (SNES) (PT)
- Sim City (SNES) (PT)
- F-Zero (PT)
- Final Countdown (AJ)
- Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (PT)
- Super Castlevania IV (PT)
- Super Mario World (PT)
- Super Probotector (PT)
(snx) (Translation: cad)
[News message: 01. Oct. 2005, 11:40] [Comments: 0]
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