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21.Sep.2005 Uploads until 21.09.2005
Uploads at since our last news item:
circuslinux_os4.lha    gam/act    2Mb  Circus Linux! - SDL action game
wet_de_cat.lha         uti/wor    2kb  Updated German catalog for Wet 4.0
mixer.lha              aud/mis   90kb  Mixer
memguard.lha           dev/deb   22kb  Mungwall-like tool for OS4
emu10kx.lha            dri/aud   22kb  emu10kx AHI driver
reminiscene_os4.lha    gam/adv  592kb  REminiscene
heretic.lha            gam/fps  400kb  AmigaOS 4 port of Heretic for OS 4.0
uhexen.lha             gam/fps  793kb  AmigaOS 4 port of Hexen for OS 4.0
mycalcppc.lha          uti/sci  158kb  MyCalcPPC Commodity Calc w/Source Code
boost.lha              dev/lib    5Mb  Boost C++ libraries
cmi8738.lha            dri/aud   35kb  CMI8738 AHI driver
hatari.lha             emu/com    1Mb  Atari ST and STE emulator.
amisynergyc.lha        net/mis  108kb  An Amiga OS4 Synergy Client
cairo.lha              dev/lib    1Mb  Cairo -  2D graphics library
libxml2.lha            dev/lib    9Mb  libXML2 - The XML C parser and toolkit o
libfreetype2.lha       lib/mis  555kb  Freetype2
mkisofs.lha            uti/mis  432kb  mkisofs
avcodec_lib.lha        vid/mis  664kb  Audio and Video codec library for OS4
libcurl.lha            dev/lib  704kb  libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfe
curl.lha               net/mis  307kb  Curl
stream_os4.lha         uti/ben   13kb  STREAM is a Memory Bandwith Tester
libwww.lha             dev/lib   27Mb  LibWWW - The W3C Protocol Library
cpuwatcher.lha         uti/wor   13kb  Measures CPU & memory usage, shows a sim
swfplayer.lha          vid/pla    1Mb  Standalone shockwave player for Amiga
avd_template.lha       dev/exa  136kb  Template Project - Skeleton OS4 applicat
bugsquish.lha          gam/act    1Mb  Bug squish - SDL action game
amisynergyc.lha        net/mis  103kb  Amiga OS4 Synergy Client
wb96_2005_edition.lha  uti/wor  104kb  WB 2005 edtion
a52_lib.lha            aud/mis   92kb  shared liba52 for AmigaOS4
mixer.lha              aud/mis   79kb  Mixer
rlphtheme.lha          gra/the    1Mb  Theme Inspired by the Artwork of Rolpho
tunenet.lha            aud/pla  293kb  Music Player (Shoutcast and MP3 Player)
parallax4.lha          dem/mis  258kb  Multilayer parallax SDL demo

[News message: 21. Sep. 2005, 18:07] [Comments: 0]
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