Aminet uploads until 04-07-2005
Here is the list of uploads to the Aminet since our last report:
plasmasdl-mos.lha biz/cloan 64K MOS Plasma SDL effect (with sources)
wookiechat.lha comm/irc 353K OS4 IRC Client (Internet Relay Chat)
readmails.lha comm/mail 3K VAR Read the senders of emails with YAM (Arexx)
LCR-I.lha comm/misc 82K OS3 LeastCostRouter for german Internet Provider
LCR-P.lha comm/misc 44K OS3 LeastCostRouter Print-Tool
LCR.lha comm/misc 72K OS3 LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Provider
vlabcam.lha comm/tcp 400K WebCAm using V-lab Motion with GUI
TeamHoiSaga1.dms demo/aga 673K OS3 Team Hoi Saga III Demo. Disk 1.
TeamHoiSaga2.dms demo/aga 788K OS3 Team Hoi Saga III Demo. Disk 2.
TeamHoiSaga3.dms demo/aga 751K OS3 Team Hoi Saga III Demo. Disk 3.
ballfield-mos.lha demo/intro 450K MOS Ballfield SDL demo
optimum-mos.lha demo/intro 337K MOS Optimum demogroup SDL effects
optimum-mos_src.lha demo/intro 345K MOS Optimum demogroup SDL effects sources
screenart-mos.lha demo/intro 73K MOS Dizzying eye candy SDL demo
reaction_examples.lha dev/c 891K ALL Most of the old ClassACT examples converted to OS4
fldev.lha dev/gui 1.6M OS4 IDE designed for small C/C++ Applications
CDDA-FileSystem.lha disk/cdrom 20K Mounts CD-DA as volume with audio files
WolnyCD.lha disk/cdrom 78K VAR Better read, quiet working v1.1 Src,68k,MOS,OS4
AmigaFuture55.lha docs/mags 820K ALL Great german paper mag preview
boxingmania68k.lha game/misc 1.9M OS3 Simple boxing game
FTACE.lha game/misc 61K OS3 Faery Tale Adventure Character Editor
hangman2k4.lha game/misc 932K Hang man game. Include multiple languages
laoca.lha game/misc 1.2M OS3 LA OCA board game
glquake_aos4.lha game/shoot 942K OS4 GLQuake with multitexturing support
Xenostar.lha game/shoot 574K OS3 A 1994 tribute to Sinistar of 1982 fame.
blackbox147mos.lha game/think 706K MOS BlackBox SDL puzzle game
sdllopan_mos.lha game/think 393K MOS Lopan puzzle game
DIYprep.lha gfx/ifx 4K ALL Prepare picture for use with DIYreko
deathcons_os4theme.lha gfx/misc 990K OS4 Deathcon\'s OS4 Theme
lila_theme.lha gfx/misc 391K ALL Lila theme for famous Amiga programs
prism2.lha hard/drivr 138K VAR Driver for 11Mbps wireless network cards
stlist.lha misc/emu 20K VAR Lists Atari .ST diskimage content
xmamegui.lha misc/emu 149K OS4 GUI for the OS4 xMAME port v0.13
autovideoripper.lha misc/misc 701K OS3 Auto capture/export video with vlabmotion
calcheduler.lha misc/misc 660K Calendar and scheduler
cocktailshakerOS4.lha misc/misc 426K Cocktails Shaker for OS 4
cocktailshupdate1.lha misc/misc 312K OS3 Cocktails Shaker update 1
minicalc.lha misc/misc 359K Simple calculator
timelapsevideo.lha misc/misc 773K OS3 Multi application for V-lab motion users
timelapsevideob2.lha misc/misc 768K OS3 Multi application for V-lab motion users
AmySequencer.lha mus/edit 267K MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
malint-mos.lha mus/misc 215K MOS MPEG Audio stream validator
playOGG.lha mus/play 983K OS3 Plays OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods
PowerPC.png pix/back 234K ALL PowerPC Wallpaper 1280x1024
PowerPC_colored.lha pix/back 1.1M ALL PowerPC Wallpaper 1280x1024
PowerPC_preview.png pix/back 288K ALL PowerPC Wallpaper 1280x1024
Svirgel02.jpg pix/trace 52K ALL JPEG version of pix/imagi/Svirgel02.lha
Audithec.lha text/misc 54K OS3 V1.0 MUI AudioCD Database
gb2jis-68k.lha text/misc 98K OS3 GuoBiao to JIS text converter
jis2gb-68k.lha text/misc 94K OS3 JIS to Guobiao text converter
lha-pma-2-68k.lha util/arc 102K OS3 LHA-PMA 2 archiver/unarchiver
Packmaster128.lha util/arc 156K OS3 GUI for ADF,RAR,D64,LHA,RUN,LZX,DMS,ZIP,
newshellcurrentdir.lha util/cli 4K VAR New Shell in current dir
AmiDisk_1.01.lha util/dir 382K OS4 File manager for OS4
amigakeyremapper.lha util/misc 84K OS4 Simple program that swaps left/right amiga keys
autofire.lha util/misc 5K MOS Autofire patch for lowlevel.library game controlers
uaeconfig.lha util/misc 50K OS4 UAEConfig
wet.lha util/wb 610K OS4 Show weather conditions on Workbench (OS4)
(cg) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 06. Jul. 2005, 00:30] [Comments: 0]
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