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02.Jul.2005 (ANF)

GUI system: theme engine for NewGui
First screenshots of the new theme engine for the alternative GUI system NewGui can be found under the title link. The current beta version, available in the download area, already contains a coniguration program for testing the new functionality.

For users who want to create own themes a comprehensive manual will be available soon. By using the program DEEPVIEW that is part of the package should an advanced user already be able to follow this relatively simple process.

Special thanks of the NewGui author go to Aaron Diezman who made the first theme called "Sky" available. The NewGui version 1.4.5 is still in development, the final product will contain colour definitons for borders and similar things. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2005, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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